Chrome 113 now supports WebGPU – What are the implications?

Google's most recent Chrome update, Chrome 113, has recently included built-in support for WebGPU as the default API. This technology enables web apps to fully utilize the graphics card of a computer. In this article, we will explore the features offered by WebGPU and how it can be advantageous for users.

Through WebGPU, developers can access a variety of features to help them create robust and interactive web applications. These features consist of hardware-accelerated shaders, compute kernels, multiple rendering pipelines, and advanced 3D rendering techniques like real-time ray tracing and deferred shading. These technologies empower developers to generate more engaging experiences for users, with smoother visuals than previously achievable in web browsers.

Aside from offering performance benefits to developers building apps on the web platform, users themselves will benefit from having enhanced graphics capabilities during their browsing sessions. For instance, gaming in the browser will become more feasible with WebGPU; games can render faster due to improved hardware acceleration, resulting in better frame rates and overall performance when playing online or downloaded titles within the browser.

The advent of new APIs like WebGL 2 (supported by some browsers but not all) has created opportunities for developing high-performance 3D content without requiring an expensive dedicated GPU or intricate coding knowledge. This allows individuals with basic computer skills to create impressive visuals within their websites or games without concerns about compatibility across various platforms or devices. Consequently, dedicated software development kits are no longer necessary for achieving good results while coding in JavaScript – simple HTML5 code suffices!


With its integration of cutting-edge technologies such as ray tracing and deferred shading in the latest version of Chrome (113), Google's introduction of WebGPu may transform the way applications are developed on the web platform today, granting all users access to incredible levels of interactivity and visual quality without requiring specialized expertise or costly hardware solutions!