Monster Jam Showdown, Milestone's arcade racer, will be launching on August 29 for PC and consoles. Following the release, there will be a six-month post-launch plan with monthly content drops. The first expansion, Soldiers & Pirates premium pack, is set for September, followed by a free pack in October. November will bring another free pack and the Grave Digger Legacy premium pack. In December, the Aloha expansion will be released, introducing a new Hawaiian environment with six tracks and an arena. The New Year will bring more content, with additional packs releasing in January, February, and March. In total, 26 new trucks will join the game within the first six months.
Chapter 1: The Road to Release
As the release date approaches, anticipation is mounting for Monster Jam Showdown. Previewed at Summer Game Fest, the game impressed with its exciting races and vibrant visuals. Milestone has outlined a post-launch plan to keep players engaged long after the launch.
The preview at Summer Game Fest left a positive impression with its thrilling arcade racing featuring Monster Jam trucks. The gameplay showcased rapid pace, daring stunts, and intense action.
Chapter 2: Initial Impressions from Summer Game Fest
First Look at Gameplay
During the festival, various trucks and tracks were introduced, offering unique challenges. Players can expect adrenaline-pumping races with crashing through barriers and performing stunts.
Chapter 3: Milestone’s Post-Launch Plan
Milestone has a detailed six-month post-launch plan to provide fresh content and keep players engaged. The plan includes themed premium packs and free content drops each month.
September: Soldiers & Pirates Premium Pack
The Soldiers & Pirates premium pack will kick off the post-launch content in September, adding new trucks and tracks.
October: First Free Content Pack
October will see the release of the first free pack of content, enhancing the game experience for players.
Chapter 4: Continuous Content Unveiled
November and December will bring more packs and expansions, such as the Grave Digger Legacy premium pack in November and the Aloha expansion in December.
November: Grave Digger Legacy Premium Pack
In November, players can expect a free content pack and the introduction of the iconic Grave Digger truck into the game.
December: Aloha Expansion
The Aloha expansion in December will transport players to a Hawaiian setting with new tracks and an arena.
Chapter 5: New Year, New Content
January and February will introduce more content, with premium packs like Off The Leash in January and Always On Duty in February.
January: Off The Leash Premium Pack
January will bring a third free content pack and the Off The Leash premium pack, offering exciting new trucks and scenarios.
February: Always On Duty Premium Pack
In February, players can look forward to the release of the Always On Duty premium pack and a fourth free content pack.
Chapter 6: Concluding the Six-Month Roll-out
The six-month content roll-out will end in March with the release of the fifth free pack, adding to the game's roster of trucks.
Long-Term Engagement
Milestone's commitment to providing continuous updates ensures a lively player base and engaging gameplay in Monster Jam Showdown.
Overall, the first six months will bring significant new content, enhancing the gaming experience and keeping it dynamic.