A TV series adaptation of the Like a Dragon games, titled Like a Dragon: Yakuza, is set to premiere on Amazon Prime Video on October 25. The series focuses on Kazuma Kiryu, who will be played by Ryoma Takeuchi.
In an interview with IGN, Takeuchi discusses his approach to portraying Kiryu. He talks about Kiryu's desires for family and love, his honesty, willingness to fight when necessary, and ability to admit his mistakes.
Takeuchi aims to bring his own unique interpretation to the character, respecting the fans' expectations while staying true to his creative vision. He has conducted research to understand Kiryu's essence and hopes to please the fans with his portrayal.
His goal is not to surpass the original game but to pay tribute to it while offering a fresh perspective from an artistic point of view.
His thoughtful approach is evident in his portrayal, don't you think?