The Complete Guide to Metroid Prime 2 Echoes Prologue: Understanding Aether

Welcome everyone to our extended walkthrough of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes! We begin our adventure on the planet Aether, starting with a crash landing in the prologue before exploring the Temple Grounds area. Although this first part doesn't have important items, it sets the stage by introducing many of Samus's tools, only to have them taken away for you to find again. As you progress, keep an eye out for various logbook entries to enhance your gaming experience. Let's delve into the details of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, making sure you're fully prepared to save this exotic world!

Beginning the Adventure

After Samus is caught in a fierce lightning storm, she crash lands on Aether, diving into action right from the prologue zone. Initially, you might feel confined in a room. Get familiar with the controls: the Left Shoulder button ('L' on GameCube) targets enemies, while the Right Shoulder button ('R' on GameCube) offers freedom of movement, but it keeps Samus still while held down. Once you locate her Gunship, you'll make your first logbook entry. Activate the scan visor by pressing left on the directional pad, then hold the Left Shoulder button to scan objects. Blue objects are scannable, and red markers represent lore entries that turn green when scanned. Break free from the webbed-up room by aiming at the green button and shooting it to kick off your journey.

Initial Encounters and Scans

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Scanning - GF Gate Mk VI

Progress ahead until you reach a fork; there's a closed door on the left. Take the right path, where Samus will fall into a lab with a locked door and a blue control panel. Scan the panel, disable the locking mechanism, and move forward. In the following room, scan another control panel to open the door, known as GF Gate Mk VI.

Scanning - Map Station

Access the orange hologram behind the locked door to obtain the map of the prologue area. This will be useful for navigating upcoming areas.

Scanning - Worker Splinter

Continue on and shoot through another webbed wall. You'll come across dead soldiers with Worker Splinters feeding on them. Make sure to scan at least one Worker Splinter before proceeding.

Scanning - GSGT C. Benet, SPC B. Reeves

Further on, you'll find GSGT C. Benet and SPC B. Reeves, two fallen soldiers providing important lore for your logbook. Morph into a ball to roll under obstacles and use bombs to clear debris. Scan anything new or unusual for additional logbook entries.

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Using Bomb Slots

Scanning - Bomb Slot

Transform into a ball, roll under the blocked path to a nearby vent, and scan the bomb slot to understand its purpose. Use bombs for bomb jumps—triggered by detonation—to reach the slot, activating a control panel in the previous room. This causes the appearance of new enemies called Dark Troopers. Make sure to scan one to gather information on them. Effectively using Samus's arm cannon is crucial to defeating these foes. After this encounter, you'll gain access to previously blocked areas.

Challenges and Equipment Loss

Follow the path that was closed off until a scene introduces Dark Samus and shadowy creatures, leading to the loss of most of Samus's gear. Despite this setback, use your wit and remaining abilities to progress.

Finding Save Points

Destroy local vegetation, turn into a ball, and roll through vents into a new room. Defeat enemies to reveal a save point behind breakable boxes, where saving will completely recharge your health.

Finding the Path Forward

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Scanning - Splinter

Head towards an industrial area. Drop down to find a large container blocking the way. Scan a nearby control panel to move the container. Proceed past a red door, watching out for aggressive Splinters—quick shots will keep them at bay. Remember to scan one for documentation.

Scanning - Green Kralee

While climbing and navigating, be sure to scan the peaceful Green Kralee to add another logbook entry. Cross wide gaps where bridges were located, scanning any new items.

Scan the dormant Splinter Cocoons and the GF Bridge mechanism. Scanning will reveal the secrets of the mechanism; shoot it to lower the bridge and continue forward.

Scanning - Splinter Cocoon, GF Bridge

Scanning - PFC M. Veroni

Beyond the upcoming door, discover the fallen PFC M. Veroni. Roll through a bug hole and emerge in the expansive Temple Grounds, taking in the eerie beauty of the environment. This marks the end of the prologue journey on Aether. With this assistance, you're on the right path to uncovering all secrets, battling enemies, and restoring peace on Aether. For detailed help on boss fights and more, refer to our comprehensive guide. Safe travels, bounty hunter!